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The Federal State Budgetary Institution of Science, the Institute of Geoecology named after E.M. Sergeev of the Russian Academy of Sciences, trains highly qualified scientific personnel in postgraduate studies on the basis of the License for educational Activities No. 0080 issued by the Federal Service for Supervision of Education and Science on 29.05.2012. (term of validity indefinitely) for the right to conduct educational activities in the educational programs of postgraduate professional education (postgraduate studies) in the direction of: Earth Sciences (05.06.01) and Certificate of state accreditation No. 2508 dated 14.02.2017.

The Institute trains scientific and pedagogical personnel in postgraduate studies in accordance with the Nomenclature of specialties of researchers (Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation No. 59 dated 25.02.2009) in the following specialties (the name of the training area is "Earth Sciences", the code of the training area is 05.06.01):

25.00.08 Engineering geology, permafrost and soil science

25.00.36 Geoecology.